Living with AI Lounge

13:00 - 17:30

The Living with AI Lounge is a fun, free event perfect for anyone looking to better understand artificial intelligence.

Designed to give the people of Scotland an introduction to the world of AI, the Living with AI Lounge promises a lineup of speakers and demonstrations to show the impact AI is having on our society and work, explore the challenges we face with AI, and discover what AI holds for us in the future.

In a world full of AI disinformation and misunderstanding, Living with AI aims to give people a better grasp on the impact that AI is currently having on our society and work, exploring the challenges that we face with AI, and discovering what AI will hold for us in the future.

The Living with AI Lounge is completely free and will take place at Dynamic Earth on the 28th of March 2024.

14.55 -15.15



16.30 -16.50

17.00 -17.30

Leveraging AI for Community Empowerment


Widening Mental Healthcare Access with AI


Living with AI: Ask the Experts

Using AI to Reduce Our Impact on the Environment



Living with AI: Ask the Experts


Painting Music: Exploring the Potential of Creative AI

ContestAI: Challenging Unwanted AI Behaviours

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