Panel Session: Protecting Minority Ethnic Communities Online (PRIME), AI and Racial Justice
This interactive session will engage participants of the Scottish AI Summit in knowledge exchange with the UK Research and Innovation-funded transdisciplinary and cross-institutional PRIME project. PRIME comprises a Heriot Watt University-led consortium of leading community organisations in England and Scotland, Cranfield University, the Universities of Glasgow and York, and the Open University working in partnership with Scottish Government, the NHS, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission and other key stakeholders.
The project will increase understanding of minority ethnic communities’ experiences of online services and how safer online spaces can be created within the context of systemic racism, marginalisation and discrimination encountered by these communities in the UK.
Along with two of our partner organisations, the Glasgow-based Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Organisations and the Manchester-based Caribbean African Health Network, we will present key emergent findings based on 100 interviews with Black Africans, Black Caribbeans, Bangladeshis, Indians, Pakistanis and Chinese individuals to facilitate an evidence-based discussion of possible ways forwards through cross-sectoral collaboration.
Illustration by Clare Mills: