Annalu Waller

Professor of Human Communication Technologies and the Academic Lead for Computing at Dundee University, Scotland

Annalu Waller PhD OBE is Professor of Human Communication Technologies and the Academic Lead for Computing at Dundee University, Scotland. She directs the Dundee Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Research Group and has worked in the field of AAC since 1985, designing communication systems for and with nonspeaking individuals.

Her primary research areas are human centred computing, natural language processing, personal narrative and assistive technology. In particular, she focuses on empowering end users, including disabled adults and children, by involving them in the design and use of technology.

She is programme lead for a new MSc in Educational Assistive Technology and co-directs an MSc in AAC with Psychology. Professor Waller was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List in 2016 for services to people with Complex Communication Needs and is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.


Kate Forbes


Virginia Dignum