Baillie Gifford Professor in the Ethics of Data and Artificial Intelligence in the University of Edinburgh’s Department of Philosophy.

Session: AI for the Next Generation Realizing an Inclusive Vision for Scottish AI

Shannon is the Baillie Gifford Professor in the Ethics of Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Edinburgh Futures Institute at the University of Edinburgh, and a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute. She is Director of the Centre for Technomoral Futures at EFI, and co-director of the UKRI research programme Enabling a Responsible AI Ecosystem. She regularly advises government and industry on ethical use and design of AI, and is the author of Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting (2016) and the forthcoming Lessons from the AI Mirror: Rebuilding Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking.


Aditya Singh


Joe Noteboom