Headshot of David Robb

Research Fellow, Heriot-Watt University  

Panel: Putting the ‘worthy’ in ‘trustworthy’: Learning the limits of trust for AI systems

Dave has worked on UKRI/EPSRC and Dstl funded research projects, including as Experimental Lead for the Human-Robot Interaction theme on the EPSRC ORCA Hub project on offshore robotics. Dave’s post as Research Fellow at Heriot-Watt University’s School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences is currently funded by three National Robotarium projects: DeMILO (EPSRC Developing Machine Learning-empowered Responsive Manufacture of Industrial Laser Systems), UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in Trust, and EPSRC HUman-machine teaming for Maritime Environments (‘HUME’). Dave’s research focusses on the human side of human-robot interaction, including the psychology of how and why people trust or distrust technology. 


Ali Shah


Bhargavi Ganesh